Taekwondo, Karate, Martial Arts


Rank: Advanced 5th Degree Instructor Level: Purple Started Taekwondo in: 2004 Favorite Book: The Ranger’s Apprentice Series Favorite Movie: “Last Samurai” Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip The reason I started Taekwondo is a simple one, my name. My parents have owned a Taekwondo school since before I was born and so when I turned 4, I was more than ready to join. Being involved as both a student and an instructor at Taekwondo has changed my entire perspective on being a student and learner in life. As a student, I have an engrained confidence that has me believing I am able to do anything that I put my time and effort into. Being comfortable with my fine and gross motor skills and memory has given me that confidence. I understand what I am capable of and it provides me with the understanding and the know how to improve on the areas that I struggle in. That applies to everything not just Taekwondo. It helped me enormously from football to academics. I have developed a sense of understating on how to set and achieve goals that I learned from our curriculum. The curriculum that we have is tough, and it gives confidence in the moment that you succeed but also long-lasting self-confidence knowing you are able to achieve your goals. Being an instructor has been the best thing that could have happened to me. Before I had one perspective at going at problems that I faced. I was very one sided with my problem solving and I would get very frustrated at myself and the problem I had. I would just be stuck and think I just could not do it. Once I became an instructor, I began to not only understand that everyone had a different perspective at learning, but I also developed a strong understanding of myself. I could not only understand what I need to know, but also how to change my thinking. I developed the ability to change my perspective to help others understand what I already do. The knowledge I have gained being an instructor has changed my life. Before I would be happy when I learned or achieved something but being an instructor has shown me that teaching someone and having them also understand the knowledge that I know doesn’t even come close to how fulfilling learning it myself was. I do not know what kind of person I would be today without being an instructor here, it has helped me develop my leadership and organization skills tremendously and most importantly my patience and social skills.
Taekwondo, Karate, Martial Arts


Rank: Advanced 5th Degree Instructor Level: Purple Started Taekwondo in: 2004 Favorite Book: The Ranger’s Apprentice Series Favorite Movie: “Last Samurai” Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip The reason I started Taekwondo is a simple one, my name. My parents have owned a Taekwondo school since before I was born and so when I turned 4, I was more than ready to join. Being involved as both a student and an instructor at Taekwondo has changed my entire perspective on being a student and learner in life. As a student, I have an engrained confidence that has me believing I am able to do anything that I put my time and effort into. Being comfortable with my fine and gross motor skills and memory has given me that confidence. I understand what I am capable of and it provides me with the understanding and the know how to improve on the areas that I struggle in. That applies to everything not just Taekwondo. It helped me enormously from football to academics. I have developed a sense of understating on how to set and achieve goals that I learned from our curriculum. The curriculum that we have is tough, and it gives confidence in the moment that you succeed but also long-lasting self-confidence knowing you are able to achieve your goals. Being an instructor has been the best thing that could have happened to me. Before I had one perspective at going at problems that I faced. I was very one sided with my problem solving and I would get very frustrated at myself and the problem I had. I would just be stuck and think I just could not do it. Once I became an instructor, I began to not only understand that everyone had a different perspective at learning, but I also developed a strong understanding of myself. I could not only understand what I need to know, but also how to change my thinking. I developed the ability to change my perspective to help others understand what I already do. The knowledge I have gained being an instructor has changed my life. Before I would be happy when I learned or achieved something but being an instructor has shown me that teaching someone and having them also understand the knowledge that I know doesn’t even come close to how fulfilling learning it myself was. I do not know what kind of person I would be today without being an instructor here, it has helped me develop my leadership and organization skills tremendously and most importantly my patience and social skills.

1158 Lost Creek Blvd, Austin, TX 78746