Rank: 6th Degree
Instructor Level: Brown
Started Taekwondo in: 1995
Favorite Book: “Christmas Box”
Favorite Movie: Any James Bond
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Ice Cream: Cookies & Cream
Why TaeKwonDo? That is what most people ask when
they find out what we do. It is our life and I would not
know where I would be without it. Most people assume
Mr. McCulloch and I met in TaeKwonDo but actually it
was Spanish class in college. Which is a story for
another time! After we met I spent a year watching him
take class with Mr. Johnson, going to many testing and
tournaments so before long he and several of the adult
students convinced me to join. I had been watching and
supporting him for so long it was really different being on
the other side of the workout floor. Now as I look back I
am very glad that I joined. I was not a confident person
when it came to performing in front of others and I would
have never imagined that I would become a 4th degree
instructor. I feel I have come a long way from my first
tournament as a yellow belt in Pensacola, Fl where I
was so nervous I could barely do my form. Needless to
say I went home with my very first Spirit trophy that
soon became very special to me. Mr. McCulloch used it
as the cake top on his groom’s cake, which was shaped
like a trophy and said, “I’ve finally won 1st Prize”.
I have had to overcome many obstacles in my
TaeKwonDo career like testing for Decided 1st degree.
Now I know what perseverance means!! It took me 3
tries before I passed because I could not break my
boards. That was a very emotional time for me but
when I finally did pass it was all worth it. The next
obstacle in my career came with the news of our first
son Bryan. I love my kids to death and would not
change my life for anything but boy has it been hard to
train and keep testing for rank when you have three
children under the age of 6. I have even tested
pregnant twice, once in 2000 for Instructor Certification
(I was 10 weeks pregnant with Bryan) and then again in
2002 for senior 3rd degree (I was 5 months pregnant
with Sean and we flew 13 hours to England). Maybe
that is why TKD is in our boys’ blood. Many people
gave Mr. McCulloch a hard time because I taught
Kickboxing until I was 38 weeks with Bryan, and I taught
the day before I gave birth to our second son Timmy.
I guess you could say I owe it all to Mr. McCulloch
because I probably would have been one of those
people who joined a gym because it’s the easy thing to
do. I would have never even considered looking into
Martial Arts for myself. Now it is my life and my
extended family. Not a minute goes by when we are not
thinking, talking, or doing TaeKwonDo.
Being a full-time Mom and a TaeKwonDo Instructor is
the best job in the world and I get to do it with my 4
favorite boys. What more could you ask for?
1158 Lost Creek Blvd, Austin, TX 78746